TrackingMore Webhooks

Webhook 推送 

Webhook URL
Learn more about   format of inbound webhooks
If selecting "true", then there must return a "200" response!

什么是 Webhook?

     Webhook 就是用户通过自定义回调函数的方式来改变 Web 应用的一种行为。通过 Webhook ,您可以自定义一些行为通知到指定的 URL 去。 当请求数据完成, Webhook 会通过您设置的 URL 将对应数据响应给您。

 Webhook V2




     为了确保消息的来源身份是 trackingmore, 你可以选择对 POST 数据的来源进行安全认证. ( 不验证, 直接解析 POST 的数据也可以 ).安全认证的方法如下:

     1. 解析出 POST 数据中的 timeStrsignature 这两个参数。

     2. 使用你的trackingmore用户邮箱(密钥)timeStr(明文) 生成签名 signature, 与 POST 数据中的 signature 进行校验 ( 签名算法: PHP:SHA256、JAVA:HmacSHA256)

PHP 示例代码:
function verify($timeStr,$useremail,$signature){
    return strcmp($result,$signature)==0?1:0;

     How to use:

       Step 1:你应该先在你的用户后台设置你的webhook url 和需要提醒的状态!

       Step 2:当我们服务器检测到你的单号更新且满足你的设置的时候,我们就会将更新后的数据推送到你设置的webhook url路径上。所以你需要预先在这个webhook url写好你自己的程序,对接收到的webhook数据进行任意操作。当我们推送过来的时候你的程序就会执行一次。

       Step 3:如何获取webhook推送过来的数据,在php中只需要$inputJSON = file_get_contents("php://input"); $inputJSON就是我们推送过来的数据。如下是我们获取数据并写入文件的例子,当然你也可以将它存入数据库。

  •   Example Code  
  • Write response data into file
    $handle    = fopen('test.log','a+'); 
    $inputJSON = file_get_contents("php://input");
    	fwrite($handle, date("Y-m-d H:i:s").":  ".$inputJSON . "\r\n");
    	echo 200;
    	fwrite($handle, date("Y-m-d H:i:s").": can not get webhook data!\r\n");
  • Response  200
  • Headers
    Content-Type: application/json
    			"Date":"2016-11-15 08:23",
    			"Date":"2016-11-14 09:34",
    			"StatusDescription":"\u5230\u8fbe\u5904\u7406\u4e2d\u5fc3,\u6765\u81ea\u4e2d\u56fd \u5e7f\u5dde",
    			"Date":"2016-10-31 22:45",
    			"Date":"2016-10-31 22:35",
    			"Date":"2016-10-29 22:04",
    			"Date":"2016-10-29 20:20",
    			"StatusDescription":"\u79bb\u5f00\u4e2d\u5c71\u5e02 \u53d1\u5f80\u5e7f\u5dde\u5e02",
    			"Date":"2016-10-29 16:24",
    			"Date":"2016-11-15 15:04",
    			"StatusDescription":"Posten has not been able to reach the recipient for delivery before 10.00. New delivery attempt to be made no later than 18.00. The item will subsequently be treated as an ordinary letter",
    			"Details":"535031, Sweden"
    			"Date":"2016-11-15 14:00",
    			"StatusDescription":"The shipment item could not be delivered because the recipient was not possible to reach. A notice has been given and the shipment item is delivered to a service point.",
    			"Details":"535031, Sweden"
    			"Date":"2016-11-15 07:23",
    			"StatusDescription":"The item has arrived at the recipient\u00b4s delivery point. Express to be dispatched to the recipient, other items notified",
    			"Details":"535031, Sweden"
    			"Date":"2016-11-14 23:32",
    			"StatusDescription":"The item has been through the post terminal",
    			"Details":"149, Sweden"
    			"Date":"2016-11-14 09:34",
    			"StatusDescription":"The item has arrived from abroad to Posten\u00b4s international terminal for sorting",
    			"Details":"Stockholm utr"
    	"lastEvent":"\u672a\u59a5\u6295,\u745e\u5178,2016-11-15 08:23"
