TrackingMore API

API Status Code

Typical Server Responses

We will respond the following status codes.

200SuccessThe request was successful (some API calls may return 201 instead).
201CreatedThe request was successful and a resource was created.
202Bad RequestThe request was successful but exceeding the limit.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed or user does not have permissions for the requested operation.
4001 Unauthorized Invalid API key. Check API Explanations
4002 Unauthorized API key has been deleted. Check API Explanations
4012Bad RequestThe request could not be understood or was missing required parameters.
4013Bad RequestTracking_number is required.
4014Bad RequestThe value of `tracking_number` is invalid.
4015 Bad Request The value of `carrier_code` is invalid. Check Courier Code
4016Bad RequestTracking already exists.
4017Bad RequestTracking does not exist.
4018Bad RequestDue to overload risks this feature requires custom activation. Contact [email protected] for more information.
4019Bad RequestYour balance is insufficient, please recharge in time
4020Bad RequestUp to 200 at a time
4021 Bad Request Remaining quota is deficient, or the 7-day free trial has expired. To continue using API, please recharge first. Purchase here
4031 No Content The request was successful but the response is empty. Please try POST /trackings/post and then GET /trackings/get
4032 No Content Cannot detect courier. Assign your shipment a courier instead of by auto detection. Get courier code
4033No ContentThe value of `package status` is invalid.
402Payment RequiredPayment required.
403ForbiddenAccess denied.
404Not FoundResource was not found.
405Method Not AllowedRequested method is not supported for the specified resource.
409ConflictThe request could not be completed due to a conflict.
429Too Many RequestsExceeded API limits. Pause requests, wait two minute, and try again.
500Server error
503Service UnavailableThe service is temporary unavailable (e.g. scheduled Platform Maintenance). Try again later.

Take your post-purchase order tracking experience to the next level