AliExpress Standard Shipping

AliExpress Standard Shipping is a shipping service provided by Aliexpress and Cainiao Logistics.  The sellers in Aliexpress can use this shiping method for 254 countries.

Actually, Cainiao Logistics is not a Courier Company. They don't have planes or trucks. But Cainiao Logistics is belong to Alibaba Group, they choosed some well-known logisitc company to help them deliver goods under the name of Aliexpress Standard Shipping.

In most countries, package shipped with Aliexpress Standard Shipping can be delivered within 35 days. 

Aliexpress promised to the seller, that every goods shipped via Aliexpress standard shipping can be delivered within 60 days, 90 days for Brazil.

You can click Aliexpress Standard Shiping tracking to track your package.

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