Pone como entregado y es mentira. Mi número pedido es CNES00601588399. Me parece lamentable
Acabo de ver el estado de mi pedido de aliexpress y al parecer la dirección que puse yo no existe cuando llevo haciendo más compras poniendo esa dirección y nunca tuve problemas. No hay un teléfono de contacto ni un email nada y ahora que?
Já passa mais de uma semana que o meu pedido apresenta informações que já se encontra no país de destino (Angola - Luanda), mas até ao momento não recebi nenhum contacto e não sei onde me dirigir, por favor ajudam me a resolver isso
Mais um pacote dado como entregue e não recebi nada.
Its been over a month now and my product hasn't been shipped out from its last destination or distribution station which is Japan..My product has been shipped from China and now its over a month in Japan..What's taking that long?? My product number is SF1317337961651..Please I need an update or answers why its taking too long to be shipped to me
It's been four month I ordered the product. Its showing delivered to the destination. My tracking I'd UA402532714SB. Can you help me finding out my product
It's been four month I ordered the product. Its showing delivered to the destination. My tracking I'd UA402532714SB. Can you help me finding out my product
It's been four month I ordered the product. Its showing delivered to the destination. My tracking I'd UA402532714SB. Can you help me finding out my product
It's been four month I ordered the product. Its showing delivered to the destination. My tracking I'd UA402532714SB. Can you help me finding out my product
It's been four month I ordered the product. Its showing delivered to the destination. My tracking I'd UA402532714SB. Can you help me finding out my product
NO he recibido mi paquete , aunque en la app me sale como entregado . Por lo visto no soy el único , esta empresa tiene muchos problemas de este tipo
Hice un pedido con numero de seguimiento LB248539801SG y aparece como entrega fallida y los números que tienen para comunicarse son inservibles y me gustaría saber que resolución me dan puesto que es un problema suyo y nadie me devolverá el dinero
My tracking link says that my order arrived in the destination country in July. I still have not received anything, and it's been over 100 days. Can someone please help? Tracking UT568709777TH
Podrían informarme donde se encuentra este paquete que hace casi 3 meses que no me llega, gracias, mi dirección es [email protected]
This company should be shut down.
No hay ningún teléfono para llamar y mi paquete no llega , dice q lo han devuelto, pero esto es un desastre!!!!! De empresa
ok here is the thing i tried a thousands times contacting the supplier but no response not evena text of response second i tried reaching CAINIAO couriers i tried mailing them plenty of times no response i tried call them many times in different numbers ther and alot of number here they are +864006075388 +86075583766626 +8613724534066 +8618267394077 +86188229893387 i tried them all alot of times alot no response the package was stuck on 2021-09-24 and it said arrived in destination i was trying to chase every day no response no help i was waiting today they updated 2021-10-24 17:46 it says delivered where who no one called me i purchase alot from this site but i feel ther is no help receiving i tryed opening a dispute clicked refund cash nothing it asks did u receive the item no then it says check with couriers i mean what will i do.....
LT709728651NL où m comment vous avez très loin ? Toujours pas livré pourquoi
my tracking # is UT405731294TH & it says my order has been in the country of origin since September 28th...what us goin on with my order???
UT598920976TH Tracking number waiting for this package since Aug 27 and still haven’t received it and this people you can’t even talk to them !!!!!! So freaking irresponsible!!!!!!! I want my money back !!!!!!!!!
Take your post-purchase order tracking experience to the next level