新赫里多尼亞郵政 查詢 - trackingmore

新赫里多尼亞郵政 Tracking API

新赫里多尼亞郵政 tracking API and webhook make it easy to integrate 新赫里多尼亞郵政 Tracking function into your own project. Support APIs Client Libraries for PHP, Java, Node.js, Python, C#, Ruby,GoLang.

Get API docs

  • Tracking APIs for 410 couriers
    Integrate tracking API to get fast tracking updates.
  • 新赫里多尼亞郵政 Webhook notifications
    Push delivery updates when status of your package changes.
  • Intelligent courier detection
    Auto detect the courier according to tracking number format.
  • Multilingual API call
    Return multilingual tracking information when calling API.

API built for eCommerce developers

Trackingmore API allows eCommerce developers in any sizes to add package tracking fuction easily. Use Trackingmore API to:

  • Get realtime tracking info of muti-carriers in one integration
  • Provide shipment tracking experience like Amazon
  • Push notifications of package update with webhook
  • Verify delivery exception before it is too late
     "destination_country":"United States",
            Date":"2017-03-08 04:22:00",
            "StatusDescription":"Departed Facility in HONG KONG-HONG KONG",
            "Details":"HONG KONG-HONG KONG
            "Date":"2017-03-06 15:28:00",
            "StatusDescription":"Shipment picked up",
     "lastEvent":"Departed Facility in  HONG KONG-HONG KONG,HONG KONG-HONG KONG,2017-03-08 04:22:00",
     "lastUpdateTime":"2017-03-08 04:22:00"


String Description
pending 查詢中,新增包裹正在查詢中,請等待!
notfound 查詢不到,包裹目前查詢不到。
transit 運輸途中,包裹正從發件國運往目的國。
pickup 到達待取,包裹正在派送中或已到達當地收發點。
delivered 成功簽收,包裹已成功妥投。
undelivered 投遞失敗,快遞員嘗試過投遞但失敗,(這種情況下)通常會留有通知並且會再次試投!
exception 可能異常,包裹出現異常,發生這種情況可能是:包裹已退回寄件人,清關失敗,包裹已丟失或損壞等。
expired 運輸過久,包裹很長壹段時間顯示在運輸途中,壹直沒有派送結果。

新赫里多尼亞郵政 Tracking API Capabilities

Say goodbye to SOAP / XML web services.

Features TrackingMore Tracking API
Multi-carrier integration
Automated tracking
Webhook notifications
Courier detection
Standardised tracking data
Technical Support within 1 business day
Public Docs
PHP Example
Java Example
C# Example
Python Example
Nodejs Example
Ruby Example
Golang Example
