중국 우편 추적

중국 우편 배송 추적: 중국 우편 패키지를 추적하기 위해 배송 추적 번호를 입력하시면, 한 곳에서 출발지/목적지에 대한 배송 추적 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다. AliExpress, Ebay, Magento, Shopify, Bigcommerce 등의 연결을 지원합니다. 여기에서 중국 우편 추적 API 문서를 확인해보세요.

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Bueno responde rapido

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Valdisar jpse

Hi Rey my goot setor gy vídeo home sline Brazil....

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good. No complaints so far unlike for other couriers. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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great. My parcel was on time and in good conditio. to be honest ... of all courier i only trust is you.

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great. I got it on time. Their staff is well coordinated and very cooperative.

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fast shipping. 5 star kay delivery. Hoping for more transactions with you soon.

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fast shipping. 5 star kay delivery. No sign of dents of the box.

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Chifuyu Hayashi

出品者に問い合わせたところ 2、3日遅れるかもと言われましたが、ちゃんと届きますよね?

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キャンセルしたのに、送ったみたいなので、返品出来なければ破棄してください 費用は払います

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Nana Kun

5月19日に注文、発送となってますが、配達はいつ頃になりますか? 時間がまだかかればキャンセルしようと思ってます。

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伊藤 しおり

4月4日に注文、発送となってますが、配達はいつ頃になりますか? 時間がまだかかればキャンセルしようと思ってます。

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2019-10-08 16:49:40 Deliver item (Inb),Air Port Heights Post 2019-09-20 16:05:00 Order generated/Shipping Label Created ( AliExpress ),

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Seller shipped out my package last month. and received today

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Dainel Kight

It\'s not bad. In fact, it\'s much faster than I thought. It only takes 10 days to delivery to my door.

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Thanks for the special gift, just put the name of the sender. Regards KUBI

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almalik shabazz

(UT157379570CN) IS THE TRACKING NUMBER tell me if i was scammed on this order and delivery 2019-09-05 12:36:00 【 United States 】 Arrived 【 United States 】 Secondary Processing Center ,RuWuLiuXinXiJiaoChangShiJianWeiGengXin,JianYiZiXunKuaiDiGongSi。 Tel :【11183】,

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almalik shabazz

(UT157379570CN) IS THE TRACKING NUMBER tell me if i was scammed on this order and delivery

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